martes, 1 de octubre de 2019

Class #5

Monday, September 30th, 2019
Class Simulation 
Students: Yarithza Ramírez-Everly Rojas-Adriana Sánchez.

Grammar Translation Method
  • It is a method which makes the use of translation and grammar study as the main teaching and learning activities.
  • A focus of learning the rules of grammar and their application in translation passages.
  • Vocabulary in the target language is learned through direct translation from the native language.
  • Grammar is taught with extensive explanations in the native language.
  • Originally used to teach Latin and Greek in the late 19th and the early 20th century.
  • Earlier in the 20th century, this method was used for the purposes of helping students read and appreciate foreign language.
  • The traditional method of second language teaching in schools.
  • Most common language teaching method.
  • Stressed literacy development.
  • Teacher centered.
Original purposes
  • Helping students read and appreciate foreign language literature.
  • Students can become more familiar with the grammar of their native language and also write and speak better.
  • Much vocabulary is taught in the form of a list of isolated words.
  • Classes are taught in the mother tongue, with little active use of the target language.
  • Grammar provides the rules of putting words together, and instructions often focus on the form and inflection of words.
  • Reading of difficult classical texts is begun early.
  • Little attention is paid to the content of texts.
  • Memorization is required to learn new words, grammatical rules, and verb conjugation.
Exercises of a class using this method 
·         Translation of a literacy passage.
·         Reading comprehension questions.
·         Antonym / synonym.
·         Fill in the blanks.
·         Deductive application of a rule.
·         Compositions.

Task-based learning
  • It is an approach in which learning revolves around the completion of meaningful tasks that can be daily routines, buying a cup of coffee, going to the doctor, etc.
  • It is a communicative approach
  • Have a clear purpose: learners are expected to produce when they finish performing the task.
  • Students can share with more people in real-world activities.
Role of the teacher
  • Moderator
  • His/her participation is pretty slim
  • The teacher will give the task to the students and then watch the use of language
  • Create an opportunity to involve every single student
  • Give an introduction to the task
  • Be sure that the second language is used with no  exceptions
  • Give feedback

The framework of a TBL lesson may vary. It is usually composed of the following phases:
·         Introduction to the topic and task: The teacher explores the class, highlights useful words and phrases, helps students understand task instructions and prepare.
Task cycle
·         Task: students do the task, in pairs or small groups and the teacher monitors
·         Planning: students prepare to report to the class (orally or writing) how they did the task, what they decided or discovered.
·         Report: some groups present their reports to the class, or exchange written reports and compared results (students receive feedback on their level of success in completing the task).
Language focus
  • Analysis:  students examine and discuss specific features of the text or transcript of the recording.
  • Practice: The teacher conducts practice or new words, phrases and patterns occurring in the data, either during or after the analysis.

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